09 Apr 05 by anka bajurin
anka bajurin artworks

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Little stone

Natural abstraction of a little stone from the beach.

28 Jan 04 05:00

My impulse is to say drop the little stone on the beach - and go for the abstraction. Does that make any sense?

30 Jan 04 05:00

No. To be honest I'm not that familiar with her work - I just thought that your pictures here reminded me a little of her, and wondered if you were familiar with her paintings.

30 Jan 04 05:00

I have allready made a step beyond. This little stones are just the first part of my exhibition ""Killing loop"". You can see it on web site [LINK]http://free-du.hinet.hr/ankabajurin[/LINK] . Do you have some particaular work of Georgia O'Keefe in mind?

09 Feb 04 05:00

I have seen some of her paintings now(I'm not familiar with her work). My other paintings, exsposed and not exsposed, are making very different path in the art from hers. But I see what you mean.

07 Feb 07 20:08

Reminds me of bieng in space looking down at an Island on earth.

Little stone 2
Little stone 2
Little stone 2

Natural abstraction of a little stone from the beach.

28 Jan 04 05:00

Sensitive work - just make that step beyond the natural environment and see what happens... Good reply to why make art. Have you seen the work of Georgia O'Keefe?

07 Feb 07 20:07

Very natural and origanal" very good I like this"

Little stone 3
Little stone 3
Little stone 3

Natural abstraction of a little stone from the beach.

04 Feb 04 05:00

che bello - this reminds me of some places

08 Feb 04 05:00


07 Feb 07 20:06

The pattern though basic show the the waves perfect giving a good perspective of water

Little stone 4
Little stone 4
Little stone 4

Natural abstraction of a little stone from the beach.

05 Jun 05 05:00

So Anka.. what's happening? You might like to update your profile to include your website - I was just curious to know what you're doing these days.

07 Feb 07 20:05

very base form but eye catching.

Killing loop
Killing loop
Killing loop

Contrast between the nature and men's product.

08 Feb 04 05:00

Your view is a little bit dadaistic (pesimistic view on a life after the war that have took place in the art), but my paintings are more surrealistic (optimistic view).

08 Feb 04 05:00

You know, this image reminds me of the bridge in Belgrade after it was bombed by the americans. Only difference here is your bridge is still intact.

09 Feb 04 05:00

If it's so optimistic, why "Killing Loop"?

09 Feb 04 05:00

Killing loop is a part of the nature, don't see anything pesimistic. And if we speak in art terms this element here, called "Killing loop" is a surrealistic element. It would be better if you look first some works of the surrelistic painters. And read some about Josef Beuys and his performance "How to explain painting to a dead rabbit".

07 Feb 07 20:04

The way the bridge controls the plume is inspiring.

Killing loop 2
Killing loop 2
Killing loop 2

Contrast between the nature and men's product.

08 Feb 04 05:00

I'd like to see this as one of a series - I wonder how it would develop?

07 Feb 07 20:01

The industrial point of view with nature is disturbing but true.

Emancipation of the circle
Emancipation of the circle
Emancipation of the circle

Passion, action-painting and simbolic forms....

07 Feb 07 20:02

the image reminds me of DNA and the centre is that of an ovam.

Emancipation of the circle
Emancipation of the circle
Emancipation of the circle

painting with the center but without the end

20 Oct 04 05:00

Bello. I'd like the artist to tell us more about the piece - lead us into the reason for it's making, and why is it successful?

21 Oct 04 05:00

Thank you! Well, it has a big history of it's beginnings. It has developed from one whole exhibition that I have practically throw away becouse I wasn't satisfied with it. But whole another exhibition (this one, ""Emancipation of the circle"") just developed naturaly from it's ruins. If you like you can read the text about this painting on the address [LINK]http://www.ankabajurin.com/text.html[/LINK]

07 Feb 07 20:03

Again DNA almost at the edge of the egg.