07 Feb 08 by Brian Duignan
Brian Duignan artworks
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A landscape. The dimensions are varible so below is all zeros. The main group of spheres is (as a guide) approx 2m long
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A landscape. The dimensions are varible so below is all zeros. The main group of spheres is (as a guide) approx 2m long
Mulachoulour 8976 - detail
A landscape
Mulacholour 8976 - detail
A landscape
detail of mullacholour
I am interested in the concept that everything in the universe is molecular, made of different combinations of atoms. With these works I am exploring the landscape by deconstructing it into its basic elements and using these elements to construct a new landscape. The process involved is reducing the multitude of elements that made up a landscape; colour, shape form, horizon line(s), fore, mid and background, to a simpler more minimal interpretation, then translating these exploratory studies into a new landscape.