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Decorative style allows me not to imitate reality, but inner feelings. In the picture the main thing is not literature and plot, but painting!
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Decorative style allows me not to imitate reality, but inner feelings. In the picture the main thing is not literature and plot, but painting!
03 Feb 10 23:09
The other artworks will be soon
Large laundry in Suzdal
I live in Vladimir and Suzdal, 200 km. from Moscow.. This are the ancient cities of Russia. I may invite artists to visit here free of charge, if only they do not speak Russian.
October in Suzdal.
Autumn is full of stories and experiences, but also a premonition of death.
Hot summer
I make relief ground. And in a picture I blend the liquid painting with the paste-like, for a lively game of paint and texture.
First snow in Suzdal
Experience the colors of winter and frost
Indian summer
The art and the pride of the artist are nothing. perhaps, real life, and especially the faith, the hope, the love are more important?!
The frost and the sun ...
It's frosty but the heart is hot.
Burning Art.
This is a simple installation of a live-fire and paintings.
20 Apr 10 19:34
! ! ! - I tearfully supplicate and ask FOR HELP from all the artists and collectors of the Earth in maintaining that of my works of art. Since it turned out to be very fragile, but very capricious and demanding.
At the beginning of the creation, I thought about writing a special program for a laser show simulating fire. - Then thought, I realized that natural materials can make this installation more simple, more exciting, that generates an infinite number of interpretations. Then I fell in love with this piece of art for its imagery and symbolism, for its simplicity and profundity.
But it has gobbled up many of my paintings and works of my students. Soon everything will be finished.
So I would be very much obliged and incredibly grateful to all those who could donate their art works for the survival of this still young creation, PLEASE ! The most beautiful and interesting artworks will do.
With great hope I have faith in your generosity and understanding - ! ! !
20 Apr 10 20:17
Victor, first it was Hanjo cutting up a painting and tongue-in-cheek proposing a new artwork form just to please the critics, and now you burning paintings. Between the cynical and apparant negating anger, where does it lead?
Shouldn't we instead as artists be challenging each other in order to try forge a common ground on which to work and propose the visual meaning of our day? Why can't we overcome the boundary of isolated artist, and start the dialogue of how to begin thinking as a collective with the aim of forging some common language, or at least some common goal which each of us can try attain in our individual way, and on that way, support each other in the attempt?
The point of ap is meaningless until we start to converse one-to-one, and one-to-many, and forget momentarily the public presentation of what, individually, we do. (There are much better sites we can use for that particular purpose.)
At some stage, we have to decide what ap is about, and what can make it really significant - i.e. the ap artists themselves, not the website.
20 Apr 10 20:32
Just saw your earlier comment now Victor - do your students know you're burning their works?
21 Apr 10 08:12
I know it's not new. And if we are professionals then we must know that Hanjo’s idea is not new either. I had at least two friends who were doing the same in the 80's, in Paris and St. Petersburg. But I'm not about that.
Let's enrich our dialogue and common language with all kinds of exceptions. As a potentially great man, you, John-Paul, found the right keyword for the real art – “HONESTY”. Well, let's do not be afraid of anything.
I did a lot of abstract art objects, performances, installations in 80-90s, then “nice landscapes” for living. And I'm not disappointed - life happens and so.
If I ever find my real art, it will be not just for critics, it will be for all, not only for any few.
06 Jul 10 04:55
How can you not love this artwork
A waste paper.
!!! This is not a picture !!! It is a sculpture made out of ordinary writing paper with three quick gestures : writing, rumpling, throwing.
Drop of water
Only water. It's nothing and it's all for us.
Sleeping artist.
Since my body it is not me, especially when I sleep, therefore, of course, this work is not a performance, it is an installation.